Minty's Blog!
This is my blog.
Lastest blog
2/13/25 - being cringe
I realized recently that the reason I struggle with relationships is that i'm too afraid of doing something embarassing. Because I want to avoid embarassing myself and making people dislike me, I end up not bothering with connection and having even less people like me. I suppose the answer is just being okay being a little cringe.
More than just that, I remember seeing a post on twitter a while ago that went into how "cringe culture" messed up society. Because people are more afraid now of being cringy, society has become less sincere. I can see that with how so much now is painted over with a coat of irony to avoid making the grave mistake of coming off as cringe. I guess this only became a problem with internet culture, expressing yourself in a cringy way can lead to an unfathomable amount of people making fun of you.
Maybe this blog will be cringe to me in a few years and I'll want to delete it. We'll see.