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Minty's Blog!

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2/18/25 - Nostalgia & precious memories

Most of my fondest memories are from when I was a child in 2009-2012 living in Laurel, Mississippi. For a couple of those years, we lived with my grandparentss, who lead a church just down the road from their house. The memories of living with my grandparents in their big house, picking spider lillies, destroying ant hills, and playing games on their windows xp office computer ring gentle on my mind. I remember the friends I had at my old christian school, that was really the only time in my childhood I ever had friends, we moved around too much afterwards for me to make friends.

My grandparents lived in a huge house on a hill just the corner from their church. My grandfather did rental homes on the side. I remember he had an employee who was an illegal immigrant named Regalo. Regalo's wife was my nanny as an infant, although I never remembered her being my nanny. When she visited, she'd chase me around the house trying to kiss me and pinch my cheeks while speaking spanish. Since I didn't remember her being my nanny, that terrified me and I hid whenever she came over.

I remember I started a rock collecting club in elementary school. In recess, my friends and I would gather around an old oak tree in the playground and collect rocks and I'd grade them. That oak tree would eventually be cut down and we'd just gather around the stump. There was a flower shop in town that had a toy vending machine with Bok Choy Boys that we all got into collecting for a while, too. My friend Brian's dad bought him a bunch on ebay, which kinda took the coolness out of it. One time I got an abnormal one with a skull on it that was meant for a different line of toys, I was so proud about that.

I was curious, so I looked up some old friends on facebook and instagram. I added my old best friend, and although I want to message him, I'm nervous about it. It's been almost 15 years, what if he doesn't care anymore? I found a few other old friends' accounts. It's amazing how different we all are.

I often wonder how different life would be if we never moved. I'd have lifelong friends, I'd probably come to know God personally sooner, and I'd probably have actual social skills. I also would have never known the friends I know now, I'd never meet my wife, and I'd probably be in a different career field. Who knows what life could have been. Regardless, I'd give $1000 to get just one day to be at my grandparents' house in Laurel, MS back in 2010.

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